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Sydney M.

Being an AdVENTURE student means that  we get more opportunities and more hands-on experiences. If anyone were to ask an AdVENTURE student about the program, we'd probably say something about the technology we get to use and what's so special about it.I have learned a lot and used as much of the information that I was given as I could. So in all, I think being in AdVENTURE has really helped me more than being in normal classes would have.


One of the classes that had helped me, was science. In science, AdVENTURE gets to use a lot of technology for all the projects we work on. This is actually really helpful because we can look for useful websites and type our projects up or make a slide on google docs. So being able to use technology in class helps us a lot. We get our work done and it usually turns out really good.


Another class was math.In this class, our teacher comes up with fun creative projects that help us better understand what we are trying to learn. We ,like in science, get to use computers and ask for help if we need it. We get to use real world examples, instead of getting word problems from a text book. I don’t think I used my text book once this year, and I think that shows how different from other math classes this one is. I learned so much more than I did in other schools and classes I’ve been in, and I think that being given so many things to do is one of the reasons why.


The third class that I thought helped me learn more was core. This class was a little different. I know we used our text books often, but we did get on the computers to work on online worksheets or play learning games. There were some activities that we did that I thought were really fun. I played with M&M’s with some other classmates, and we did a few projects with paint. So even if we do have plenty of work, most of it is fun.

The work I do in AdVENTURE is very different from what I did in elementary. Everything we’re taught is more hands-on, making it more fun to learn. The fact that we get to use technology was probably one of the most fun things about the stem program. It’s just so different and made me more open to learning. Being an AdVENTURE student means that we get to work together and get more experiences that other students in normal schools and classes get.

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